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English abbreviation dictionary - use


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univ. abbr.
University Skills Expertise gen. comp. abbr.
Unified Search Environment file ext. abbr.
Log file gen. bus. abbr.
Use Standards And Evaluation gen. bus. abbr.
Usefulness, Satisfaction, And Ease
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  ~1 v 1 »USE STH« if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose  (Can I use your phone? | More people are using the library than ever before. | I can't tell you what to do - you must use your own discretion. | use sth for doing sth)  (We use this room for keeping all our junk in. | use sth as)  (My mother uses old socks as dusters. | use force (=use violent methods)) 2 »AMOUNT OF STH« to take something from a supply of food, gas, money etc with the result that there is less left  (We use about &40 worth of electricity a month.) 3 »USE A PERSON« to make someone do something for you in order to get something you want  (use sb to do sth)  (Smugglers use innocent people to carry drugs through customs. | use sb for your own ends)  (Gerald had been using her for his own ends.) 4 »AN ADVANTAGE« to take advantage of a situation  (use sth for)  (Gordon used his family's wealth for his own publicity. | use sth to do sth)  (She used her position as manager to get jobs for her friends.) 5 could use spoken if you say you could use something, you mean you would really like to have it  (I could use a drink.) 6 »PRODUCT« to buy a particular product regularly  (I always use the same deodorant.) 7 »WORD« to say or write a particular word or phrase  (an expression that would never be used in polite conversation) 8 »DRUGS« to regularly take illegal drugs 9 »NAME« to call yourself by a name that is not yours in order to keep your name secret  (Grant had checked into a Miami hotel using a false name.) use sth up phr v to use all of something  (Don't use up all the hot water.) ~2 n 1 a way in which something can be used, or a purpose for which it can be used  (Robots have many different uses in modern industry.) 2 the act of using something or the amount that is used + of  (the increasing use of computers in education | the poet's use of metaphor) 3 make use of to use something that is available in order to achieve something or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]VERB USES (uses, using, used) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you use something, you do something with it in order to do a job or to achieve a particular result or effect. Trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife... He had simply used a little imagination... Officials used loud hailers to call for calm... The show uses Zondo’s trial and execution as its framework. VERB: V n, V n, V n to-inf, V n prep 2. If you use a supply of something, you finish it so that none of it is left. You used all the ice cubes and didn’t put the ice trays back... They’ve never had anything spare–they’ve always used it all. VERB: V n, V n • Use up means the same as use. It isn’t them who use up the world’s resources... We were breathing really fast, and using the air up quickly. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 3. If someone uses drugs, they take drugs regularly, especially illegal ones. He denied he had used drugs... = take, do VERB: V n 4. You can say that someone uses the toilet or bathroom as a polite way of saying that they go to the toilet. Wash your hands after using the toilet... He asked whether he could use my bathroom. VERB: V n, V n c darkgreen]politeness 5. If you use a particular word or expression, you say or write it, because it has the meaning that you want to express. The judge liked using the word ‘wicked’ of people he had sent to jail... VERB: V n 6. If you use a particular name, you call yourself by that name, especially when it is not the name that you usually call yourself. Now I use a false name if I’m meeting people for the first time... VERB: V n 7. If you say that someone uses people, you disapprove of them because they make others do things for them in order to benefit or gain some advantage from it, and not because they care about the other people. Be careful she’s not just using you... Why do I have the feeling I’m being used again? = exploit VERB: V n, V n c...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English us, from Anglo-French, from Latin usus, from uti to ~  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the act or practice of employing something ; employment, application he made good ~ of his spare time  b. the fact or state of being ~d a dish in daily ~  c. a method or manner of employing or applying something gained practice in the ~ of the camera  2.  a.  (1) habitual or customary usage  (2) an individual habit or group custom  b. a liturgical form or observance; especially a liturgy having modifications peculiar to a local church or religious order  3.  a. the privilege or benefit of using something gave him the ~ of her car  b. the ability or power to ~ something (as a limb or faculty)  c. the legal enjoyment of property that consists in its employment, occupation, exercise, or practice she had the ~ of the estate for life  4.  a. a particular service or end put learning to practical ~  b. the quality of being suitable for employment saving things that might be of ~  c. good 2b it's no ~ arguing  d. the occasion or need to employ took only what they had ~ for  5.  a. the benefit in law of one or more persons; specifically the benefit or profit of property established in one other than the legal possessor  b. a legal arrangement by which such benefits and profits are so established  6. a favorable attitude ; liking had no ~ for modern art  II. verb  (~d; using)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. archaic accustom, habituate  2. to put into action or service ; avail oneself of ; employ  3. to consume or take (as liquor or drugs) regularly  4. to carry out a purpose or action by means of ; utilize; also manipulate 2b ~d him selfishly  5. to expend or consume by putting to ~ — often ~d with up  6. to behave toward ; act with regard to ; treat ~d the prisoners cruelly  7. stand 1d the ho~ could ~ a coat of paint  intransitive verb  1. — ~d in the past with to to indicate a former fact or state we ~d to go more often didn't ~ to smoke...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 cause to act or serve for a purpose; bring into service; avail oneself of (rarely uses the car; use your discretion). 2 treat (a person) in a specified manner (they used him shamefully). 3 exploit for one's own ends (they are just using you). 4 (in past; foll. by to + infin.) did or had in the past (but no longer) as a customary practice or state (I used to be an archaeologist; it used not (or did not use) to rain so often). 5 (as used adj.) second-hand. 6 (as used predic. adj.) (foll. by to) familiar by habit; accustomed (not used to hard work). 7 apply (a name or title etc.) to oneself. --n. 1 the act of using or the state of being used; application to a purpose (put it to good use; is in daily use; worn and polished with use). 2 the right or power of using (lost the use of my right arm). 3 a the ability to be used (a torch would be of use). b the purpose for which a thing can be used (it's no use talking). 4 custom or usage (long use has reconciled me to it). 5 the characteristic ritual and liturgy of a church or diocese etc. 6 Law hist. the benefit or profit of lands, esp. in the possession of another who holds them solely for the beneficiary. Phrases and idioms could use colloq. would be glad to have; would be improved by having. have no use for 1 be unable to find a use for. 2 dislike or be impatient with. make use of 1 employ, apply. 2 benefit from. use and wont established custom. use a person's name quote a person as an authority or reference etc. use up 1 consume completely, use the whole of. 2 find a use for (something remaining). 3 exhaust or wear out e.g. with overwork. Etymology: ME f. OF us, user, ult. f. L uti us- use ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) использование; потребление 2) режим 3) используемый сегмент (в языке Ада) - abstractive use - beneficial water use - beneficial use - commercial water use - commercial use - complementary use of water - consumptive water use - consumptive use - domestic water use - domestic use - fresh water use - fresh use - functional water use - functional use - hydroelectric generation water use - hydroelectric generation use - in-channel water use - in-channel use - industrial water use - industrial use - irrigation water use - irrigation use - land use - multiple use - navigational water use - navigational use - net consumptive use - nonabstractive use - off-channel water use - off-channel use - on-site water use - organoleptic use - public supply water use - public supply use - real-time use - recreational use of water - rural water use - rural use - stand-alone use - thermal power water use - thermal power use - uneven use of fuel - wastewater use - water use - withdrawal-consumptive use USE TEST 1) эксплуатационные испытания; опытная эксплуатация 2) промышленные испытания ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  применение, использование use in practice uses of cement architectural use constructional uses consumptive water use intended use land use new uses practical use recirculating water use repair use safe use specific land use structural use water use ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) воспользоваться 2) использование 3) использованный 4) использовать 5) истрачивать 6) обиход 7) обращаться с 8) оперировать 9) польза 10) пользование 11) применение 12) применять 13) употребление 14) эксплуатация 15) эксплуатировать become unfit for use — приходить в негодность come into use — входить в употребление go out of use — выходить из употребления integration by use of series — интегрирование путем разложения в ряд probability of correct use — вероятность правильного использования switch out of use — выключать из работы use building block units — агрегатировать use herbicide as spray — вносить гербицид опрыскиванием use of type designs — типовое проектирование - license to use - make use of - out of use - ready for use - switch in use - use factor - use factor - use full-strength bath - use radio contact - use up - water use rate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) польза, эффект 2) использование, пользование, применение; употребление; использовать, пользоваться, применять; употреблять – currently in use – use for new purpose – used to – to use exclusively – to use in practice – to make use of – to use up – use under secrecy – when in use – use of a mark – use of invention – use of known process – use of monopoly – use of patent – use of patent information – use of patent license – use of patent rights – actual use – analogous use – authorized use – commercial use – concurrent use – continued use – crown use – dead use – double use – exclusive use – experimental use – fair use – fair use of copyright material – foreign use – free use – full use – government use of a patented invention – hidden use – improper use of monopoly – improper use of patent – industrial use of invention – information use – infringing use – intended use – intentional improper use of monopoly – inventive use – joint use – later use – legal use – limited public use – new and full use – new use of known process – noninfringing use – notorious prior use – open use – patent use – permitted use – practical use – previous use – prior use of invention – prior public use – public use – secondary use of a mark – secret use – token use – unauthorized use – unlawful use – unlicensed use – unrestricted use – verbal use USE 1. сущ. 1) польза 2) использование, применение, употребление • - assets not in use - be in use - be of no use - be of use - be out of use - beneficial use - cestui que use - civilian use - come into use - commercial use - compulsory use - consumptive use - directions for use - fair use - for service use - fraudulent use of account - fuel use per kwhr - in use - industrial use - intended use - make use of - nonconforming use - official use -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  использование; использовать, применять – actual use – common use – consumptive use – dual use – industrial water use – multiple use – tool use – water use ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. употребление, использование, применение the use of the telephone —- пользование телефоном to be in use —- быть в употреблении to be out of use —- выйти из употребления to come into use —- войти в употребление in daily use —- в обиходе to make use of smth. —- употреблять что-л., пользоваться чем-л. to make use of smb.'s name —- ссылаться на кого-л. directions for use —- правила употребления he made good use of his space time —- он хорошо использовал свое свободное время 2. цель, назначение a tool with several uses —- инструмент, применяемый для различных целей to put smth. to (a) good use —- правильно использовать что-л. have yoi any use for a new calendar? —- вам не понадобится новый календарь? 3. польза, толк, выгода to be of use —- быть бесполезным to be of little use —- быть мало полезным it's no use talking —- нет смысла разговаривать is there any use in discussing the matter further? —- стоит ли обсуждать дальше этот вопрос? what's the use? —- к чему?, какой смысл?, какой толк? 4. все это ни к чему! (выражение отчаяния) 5. способность пользования (чем-л.) he lost the use of his left arm —- он потерял способность владеть левой рукой she lost the use of his eyes —- она ослепла 6. право пользования he gave his friend the use of his library —- он предоставил приятелю право пользоваться своей библиотекой she had the use of the estate for life —- за ней было оставлено...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  as использовать (в качестве чего-л.); Here, you can use this box as a table to rest the papers on. USE to приучать (к чему-л.)); приучать себя (к чему-л.) USE up  а) израсходовать, использовать; истратить;  б) истощать; to feel used up чувствовать себя совершенно обессиленным USE  1. noun  1) употребление; применение; in use - в употреблении; in daily use - в частом употреблении; в обиходе; to be/fall out of use - выйти из употребления; to put knowledge to use - применять знания на практике  2) (ис)пользование; способность или право пользования (чем-л.); to have the use of smth. - пользоваться чем-л.; he put the use of his house at my disposal - он предложил мне пользоваться своим домом; to lose the use of smth. - потерять способность пользоваться чем-л.; he lost the use of his eyes - он ослеп; to make use of, to put to use - использовать, воспользоваться  3) польза; толк; to be of (no) use - быть (бес)полезным; is there any use? - стоит ли?; whats the use of arguing? - к чему спорить?; I have no use for it coll. -  а) мне это совершенно не нужно;  б) я этого не выношу  4) обыкновение, привычка; use and wont - обычная практика; long use has reconciled me to it - я примирился с этим благодаря давнишней привычке  5) цель, назначение; a tool with many uses - инструмент, применяемый для различных целей  6) ритуал церкви, епархии  7) leg. управление имуществом по...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: NO USE, PUT TO USE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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